Tuesday, May 5, 2009

One Month in Panama.

Have been in Panama just over a month.

Above is the apartment I'm currently living in. However, I want to start looking for a room in the outskirts with more rainforest, animals and birds. I think downtown isn't for me. I could live surrounded by concrete and traffic anywhere, but if I'm living in a tropical country, I might as well live somewhere that resembles the tropics. Also, I need a bike. I don't know how much longer I can live (happily) without a bike and biking around downtown is only something you should do if you're feeling suicidal and being hit by a taxi is a better option than staying alive.

  • My area right now has a lot of good restaurants and bars, but when one doesn't have friends, restaurants and bars are no good! My only friends right now are the security guys who go psssssss psssssss everytime I walk by and it doesn't make me feel very special because I realized lately they do it even to old American women with inappropriate beach dresses and hats who look like they partied a little too hard in their youth. What's happening in my life:


1.) I'm taking a professional Spanish writing class because it didn't take me very long to realize that my Spanish writing skills are on the same level as 12 year old who doesn't pay attention in English class and that's kind of embarrasing.


2.) I'm thinking of joining the gym. It's expensive and I have one in my current building, but I need to start meeting people, and the gym is a good place to do this. I was thinking of joining a $60 a month yoga class, but for the same price, I can join an entire gym that offers yoga classes. Plus, my boss said he'll subsidize half of it as a job perk.


3.) I found two cafes I really like, just in case you guys come to visit. One is called PetitParis and they have excellent coffee and pastries plus I can steal the wireless from the Chinese mini-mart down the road. The other is called Cabeza de Einstein, has a very industrial feel, offers free Wi-Fi, a pleasant atmosphere, and is supposedly one of the best places to meet people, but I must be doing something wrong...maybe I should start taking a couple shots before going there.


4.) I am actually doing work. It is a new feeling as had never happened before.

  • Well, right now, I am looking forward to Neus's visit, to going to the beach, the rainforest and the Amador Causeway. Haven't really had a chance to get out of Downtown since I got here, so it will be very nice to have visitors!

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