So now the right side of my face is scraped and bruised and I have my first black eye. Not bad, I guess, to go 25 years without a black eye! My right leg is swollen and I can't sit down, bend my leg or put my weight on it...I look a little bit like Quasimodo, the Hunchback of Notredame, but with a limp.
Luckily, yesterday I spent a lovely day with my grandmother, which, of course, inovolved a trip to the craft store where I stocked up on wooden things to paint. It's as if I knew I'd need something to keep me entertained for the next week or so. Being the housewife that I've become, I enjoy crafts, along with cooking and talk shows, but not cleaning, so many of you out there will soon be receiving painted wood gifts, such as jewelery boxes, bird houses, platters and plates.
I guess I won't be hiking or biking too much this weekend on our camping trip (luckily it hurts to eat so I don't have to worry about overindulging in chips and marshmellows). Maybe I'll just go fishing now that I'm an expert and catch the night's dinner while everyone else is out enjoying the outdoors :(. I hope I don't still look the way I look now when I go to Colombia; it's hard enough getting anyone in Colombian tourism to talk to you because they're so suspicious of everyone, but if I show up with a black eye, swollen face and limp, I don't think that will help.
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