My record-setting tan (personal record) has nearly faded to pre-Panama levels and will probably continue to diminish in the cloudy, cold mountain climate of Bogota. The good news is winter clothes is much nicer than summer clothes so I will be much better dressed in Bogota than Panama City.
Life without a car in the American suburbs feels backward and wrong. As there is nothing to do within walking distance of Belle Pond Farm, my week days have been filled with Anthony Bordain, Samantha Brown, Dr. Phil, Discovery Channel and netflix movies. This time of unemployment (or between job transition period sounds better)and car-lessness has also given me an opportunity to explore my artistic side, which resulted in a Bavarian style birdhouse for my aunt and five Moroccan-style wooden plates, one for each person in my family. I am also currently working on three Moroccan style mirrors for my other aunt. Meals mark the passage of time, so I look forward to making my father lunch with unnatural enthusiasm. One can only go on so many walks. After walking around the neighborhood 72 times, you realize that everything is the same as it's always been and aside from noticing that one of your neighbors got a little lazy with their yard this year, you better have enough to think about because your surroundings aren't going to entertain you.
Luckily, it's really only the daytime that gets a little dull. I've gone out quite a bit, traveled to Vancouver a few weekends ago, went to the Farmer's market with Rasha yesterday, had a little going away party yesterday with my family and some friends, got to see Stone's new place, went on a few bike rides and went camping. So I can't really complain (even though I just did) but you don't realize how much freedom a car allows until you don't have one.
Next time I blog it will probably be from Colombia, from my grandmother's apartment. I love being around all the old ladies because they think I'm so young and have all the time in the world.
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