Saturday, January 2, 2010

A New Year, An Improved Me.

According to the Maya, the world will end in 2012.  I hope this prediction is wrong because I have committed myself to a number of New Year's resolutions and I'd rather not make the effort toward self-perfection if all we have are a couple of years. 

Anyway, my resolutions:

1.)  Get organized. 
I just bought a 2010 agenda to start this process.  I also folded my clothes very nicely in my closet, made my bed, dusted my room and washed all my dirty dishes.  I think that is a good start considering it is only the second day of the new year. In addition, I plan to hire a maid to clean the places I'd rather not clean, such as the bathroom and the kitchen.  If only we had a vacuum...I do have to say, though, that I have gotten a bit more organized in the last few months, perhaps as a result of living with my compulsively organized grandmother for two months.

2.)   Eat healthier/Do exercise.
Perhaps the most popular among New Year's resolutions, so I don't feel particuarly orginal posting this one. But eating pizza and frappaccinos everyday may not get me much further than 2012 anyway, so it is time to start eating "good" things. The problem with living alone is that it's almost cheaper to eat out than cook and no matter how small a milk you buy, it always goes bad. But anyway, to get this resolution started, I just spent a record amount of money at my local grocery store and bought a bunch of fruits, vegtables and other healthy things. I was extremely disappointed to find that the grocery store closest to me does not sell feta cheese, balsamic vinegar or tilapia, but I can't use that as an excuse to eat out...

As for exercise, I am not yet sure how I plan to carry out this part of the plan. I don't want to join the gym, I don't particularly like jogging and group sports have never been my forte.  Well, my sports performance in general is sub par.  So if anyone has any suggestions on how I can start exercising in a fun way, it would be appreciated.

3.)   Be more social.
Life without my family and Rasha as my daily friend can be a little bit lonely.  I am on a mission to find a daily friend in Colombia.  So far, the only daily friend I have is the homeless guy who carries around a massive trashbag everyday, has not showered in at least a few months and sings Vallenatos to me everyday when I walk by. But this is not the kind of friend I am looking for.  I prefer this friend to have a house, be a girl and be able to communicate in a non-musical way.

In order to accomplish this, I will have to actual talk to and smile at people and attend social-type gatherings. I plan to start taking French classes in the next few weeks.  Maybe I can meet a daily friend there. Plus become trilingual which will make me seem very interesting and intelligent. Or maybe I will have to join activities like yoga or expat girls' night out events. 

Those are the resolutions I have come up with for now.  If anyone out there sees another area in which I'm lacking, feel free to inform me and attempts toward improvement will be made.

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