Usaquen: A really cute, colonial style neighborhood in the middle of Bogota. There area lot of quaint little shops and restaurants. It's a big nightlife spot and during the day, it's full of families for the most part. On Sunday, cuenteros (story tellers) come and people sit around listening. If I lived in Bogota I'd probably want to live here.
Monserrate: The highest peak in Bogota. Great view of the city. There's a little church and well known restaurant up here. But it's so cold...I haven't gone up in a long time though.
Zona T: One of Bogota's major party zones. Extremely expensive highend party scene.
La Candelaria: It's really falling apart and there's grafitti on almost every house, but it still has its charms. Lots of cool cafes and bars. It's more of a college student/Bohemian hangout, but a lot of artists and writers are moving here and renovating the old houses. The Iglesia de Carmen that you see in the background is one of my favorite churches in the city.
Ciclovia: One of the coolest things about Bogota is that every Sunday, all the mainstreets close down for biking and walking. During the week, a lot of people bike because there's a lot of biking trails around the city, but Sundays there are group excercise classes, performers, and hundreds of thousands of cyclers.
Important landmarks and tourist stops in Bogotá include the botanical garden José Celestino Mutis, La Quinta de Bolivar, the national observatory, the planetarium, Maloka, the Colpatria observation point, the observation point of La Calera, the monument of the American flags, and La Candelaria (the historical district of the city)
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